Thursday 15 May 2014

NEW Grading Syllabus

Following a number of requests from the current student base and in line with the new classes that have opened, I have decided to implement a "Student Grading/Assessment Syllabus" to provide a guideline for learning our Wing Chun system and mark what you have covered to a certain required general standard of competence and understanding and also what you have ahead of you to learn at any time.

In my opinion grading is merely a guideline and checklist of your skill base and knowledge to date, so both myself as the teacher and yourself as the student can amend any areas of weakness and plan for the future.
I don't see grading as a cash cow or a system of "you pay your grading fee you get your grading" therefore the cost will be minimal to cover certificate printing and students will only grade when we both agree they are at the particular level they wish to grade for.

I also will be assessing people on a constant basis during classes and monitoring class attendance and attitude in class which will all be factors to you taking and achieving a grade level. In this way students will earn their grading over a period of time which also gives me the freedom to award a level randomly should it be deserved in my opinion with those factors in mind.

The Next Level Wing Chun Academy grading syllabus is comprised of 8 Levels as follows:

Foundation Level 1 & 2 - Beginners Wing Chun Fundamentals and Siu Nim Tau (White T-shirt black logo)
Technical Level 1 & 2 - Intermediate Wing Chun drills, Footwork, Kicking, Single/Double Chi Sau, Applications and Chum Kiu Section 1 (Black T-shirt white logo)
Advanced Level 1 & 2 - Chum Kiu and Biu Tze, Anti-grappling, sweeps/takedowns, Chi Sau/Gor Sau, Muk Yan Jong Sections 1-4 (Red T-shirt black logo)
Black Belt/Sash Level 1 & 2 - All empty hand form demonstrations, Chi Sau, Luk Dim Boon Gwun and Baat Jaam Dao forms

* Please note minimum requirement for Assistant Instructor is Technical Level 2 (Red sash) and Instructor is Advanced Level 2 as well as being assessed while teaching 3 x 2 hour classes *

Students will be given exact grading requirements for each level in class at least 8 weeks in advance and obviously if you have already been training with me for over 18 months you wont be required to pay for the Foundation Levels but will still be awarded certification for this as long as I feel you have a good understanding of that level. The majority of my students are around Technical Level 1 or 2 so these are the first levels most of you will be graded on in July/August.

I will point out that although I will be recommending students be graded it is not compulsory in my classes..I am here to guide you in your Wing Chun journey and trying to implement this system to help not hinder you, but if you are totally averse to the idea it wont be held against you and you will be covering the same syllabus regardless.

I will post details of our first Grading Date soon on our Facebook page and will have content details in class in due course.

On a last note I am planning on holding a mini Wing Chun Summercamp Training Day in Sudbury this Summer (August) on a Sunday for 5 hours, ideally outside on the Sudbury meadows if the weather is nice enough. The cost is £40 per person and content will be forms, partner drills, circuit type training, sweeps/takedowns and anti-grappling. If we get a minimum of 6 students this will go ahead so please give me some feedback in class.

See you all soon
